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Artikel CROSSED PLUS 100 #3 hinzugefügt


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Moore, Alan / Andrade, Gabriel / Andrade, Gabriel
Andrade, Gabriel
Andrade, Gabriel
When human civilization is lost, does that mean we've lost our humanity? Alan Moore returns to monthly comics and puts his unique stamp upon the Crossed universe, as he and artist Gabriel Andrade paint a vivid picture of the future 100 years after the outbreak! Future Taylor and her crew uncover a horrific nest and get forced into making some brutal choices. Attempting to piece together the past and the history of the Crossed, Future Taylor is discovering the horrifying truth of the plague that nearly wiped out the human race. This multi-layered story delivers a new brand of horror to Crossed fans at the hands of the scribe that redefined the comics medium. This masterwork is a self-contained whole new world; no prior knowledge of the Crossed series is needed. All the covers for the series have been planned out by Alan Moore, with the images enriching and expanding on the series. Clues and glimpses of what came before, and what might be, are found throughout the variant covers. American History X Wraparound - Each of these will depict a specific time in the past hundred years, showing how things have changed and offering a peek at some key events. Each cover will display the year in which it takes place to help build the full picture. Crossed Culture - These are all images of how the Crossed have changed the way they live. With few humans left to hunt, and the animal kingdom thriving with predators, even the thrill-driven Crossed have had to make adjustments to their lifestyle. Future Tense - Each cover is a homage to a famous work of science fiction, and each of those original works ties into themes of this series. New World Order Wraparound - These are not for the faint of heart or delicate of constitution. We can't even picture them in this catalog, they are visions of what an ideal all-Crossed world would be. If the madmen have their dreams come true, what would the everyday life look like? These covers are brutally intense images of true horror and may have scenes of torture, depravity, and nudity. These are clearly for adults only. Each copy of this edition will ship in a sealed polybag with a protective slip cover over the actual image to assure it can be racked in stores. The graphic pictured here is the slip cover only. Due to all these special protective measures this edition is strictly limited to initial orders. Also available with Retailer Incentive covers of Red Crossed and Design Sketch, showing the original works of series artist Gabriel Andrade. Don't miss out on the ultra-rare CGC Numbered Edition as well!
When human civilization is lost, does that mean we've lost our humanity? Alan Moore returns to monthly comics and puts his unique stamp upon the Crossed universe, as he and artist Gabriel Andrade paint a vivid picture of the future 100 years after the outbreak! Future Taylor and her crew uncover a horrific nest and get forced into making some brutal choices. Attempting to piece together the past and the history of the Crossed, Future Taylor is discovering the horrifying truth of the plague that nearly wiped out the human race. This multi-layered story delivers a new brand of horror to Crossed fans at the hands of the scribe that redefined the comics medium. This masterwork is a self-contained whole new world; no prior knowledge of the Crossed series is needed. All the covers for the series have been planned out by Alan Moore, with the images enriching and expanding on the series. Clues and glimpses of what came before, and what might be, are found throughout the variant covers. American History X Wraparound - Each of these will depict a specific time in the past hundred years, showing how things have changed and offering a peek at some key events. Each cover will display the year in which it takes place to help build the full picture. Crossed Culture - These are all images of how the Crossed have changed the way they live. With few humans left to hunt, and the animal kingdom thriving with predators, even the thrill-driven Crossed have had to make adjustments to their lifestyle. Future Tense - Each cover is a homage to a famous work of science fiction, and each of those original works ties into themes of this series. New World Order Wraparound - These are not for the faint of heart or delicate of constitution. We can't even picture them in this catalog, they are visions of what an ideal all-Crossed world would be. If the madmen have their dreams come true, what would the everyday life look like? These covers are brutally intense images of true horror and may have scenes of torture, depravity, and nudity. These are clearly for adults only. Each copy of this edition will ship in a sealed polybag with a protective slip cover over the actual image to assure it can be racked in stores. The graphic pictured here is the slip cover only. Due to all these special protective measures this edition is strictly limited to initial orders. Also available with Retailer Incentive covers of Red Crossed and Design Sketch, showing the original works of series artist Gabriel Andrade. Don't miss out on the ultra-rare CGC Numbered Edition as well!